FAQ about Muslim Friendly Holiday

How can HolidayMeNow assist me in this endeavour?

There will be salah breaks

The utmost importance of performing the fardh prayers every day, whether you are travelling or not, cannot be overstated. Our HolidayMeNow service understands this, and with us, we will provide breaks for salah wherever your dream destination may be, so that you may enjoy your exploration of this vast and beautiful world without interruption.

Easy access to halal food

Muslim travelers often face food issues, especially if the place they are traveling to has a high Muslim majority population. Unless you are travelling to a country where the majority of the people are Muslim, finding food that is permissible while on-the-go while exploring as much as you can be time-consuming, not to mention tiring.

As part of our group packages, we include Halal meals on all of our trips so you can enjoy the best local delicacies that the world has to offer.  As part of our ground packages, all meals are halal. For some destinations, we will recommend vegetarian or seafood meals.